NMN抗老化研究大公開:抗癌?致癌? NMN Fights Cancer or Causes Cancer?-康普頓診所┃預防醫學┃更年期調理┃心血管保健┃增肌┃減脂┃腦部退化延緩 ┃肌少症┃阿茲海默┃性功能障

首頁 > 健康資訊 > NMN抗老化研究大公開:抗癌?致癌? NMN Fights Cancer or Causes Cancer?

NMN抗老化研究大公開:抗癌?致癌? NMN Fights Cancer or Causes Cancer?

  • NMN抗老化研究大公開:抗癌?致癌?  NMN Fights Cancer or Causes Cancer?
  • NMN抗老化研究大公開:抗癌?致癌? 

    NMN Fights Cancer or Causes Cancer?
    NMN, a precursor of NAD+, was considered as an antiaging regimen for people to rewind the aging clocks. The well-known Harvard PhD David Sinclair announced that NAD can work with sirtuins to repair DNA and improve mitochondrial function. Taking NMN orally can convert to NAD+ quickly. However, the safety of NMN was questioned. Let’s review the research results about this issue. 

